Rambling here abouts...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

One man's million words...

UPDATE: This ended at noon - no point in leaving Reid to spout more lies - Instead, now a few words of wisdom from Bluto to take to heart...

I have to work today, so I didn't stay up and watch Ted Cruz's noble 'stand in the breach' action last night. I was gratified to come into work this morning and find him still there, banging away. Go Ted! If only the Republicans in the house will stiffen their spines and continue to stand against this. As noted in my flow diagram, I just don't see that happening. But never the less, he is standing in the breach. This is exactly what I expect every elected Republican to do. Now more of the same tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that... If there is anything we have learned from the current administration, you have to keep telling the low information voters stuff over and over if you expect for it to sink in...

To help you follow along, here is the state of the flow diagram so far (green is complete, red are steps that I got wrong - see notes in the bottom left corner...

(click on to make larger - no you pervert - it doesn't mean that)

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Opposition and rational thought. Thank you for this blog!
